Tuesday, May 8, 2018


My window opened in Richmond Virginia.   On Wednesday, one week after receiving my written offer letter, I will walk through that window. I've accepted the position of Director of Teaching & Learning Technologies for Virginia Community College System.

I'm not quite ready for that door to close on my life in West Orange.  I'm here more than 20 years in the house and community that nurtured my children and me.
I am missing my mom more than ever especially at this moment.  My dad was offered a great job with Hasbro in Rhode Island. It meant my folks would leave Iselin, NJ.  My mom's entire social network was there.  They had lived there more than 25 years.  Her friends were right there, my brother and I were less than 15 minutes away.  And she was picking up to move to Rhode Island.  It was the right career choice for my father.  And my mom handled that move with grace.  I could learn so much from her right now.

Am very excited about new position.  I'm catching up on literature about teaching and learning methodologies and role of technology as well as Open Educational Resources.   My first challenge is moving the community college to a new learning management system.  I'd like to infuse educational best practices into the use of the new LMS.  I am especially interested in integrating library resources as well as OER into every course.

I went "public" this past Thursday and Friday.  My neighbors, friends, and family know that I am going on a new adventure.  But it is hard to leave.  I wish VA was only 90 minutes away and I could return home every weekend.  My daughter, BethAnne, gave me the best perspective.  That this is a blessing, to have an opportunity to start fresh, personally and professionally.  Exciting!